Mindy is now in 3rd grade doing dual immersion (trading off between English and Spanish every other day). She also gets to start violin this year!
Ethan is a big 1st grader now, and it's his first year with dual immersion (something he's not very happy about).
Now is the time I was going to start training like crazy! Actually, that was going to be when Elle starts preschool, and she doesn't start until next month. But still, I was only going to have one kid to worry about, and we're quite used to going to the childcare at the gym or on bike rides with the bike trailer.
Training like crazy has, in fact, not happened. Little George put an end to that plan (yep, it's a boy!!) but we have ridden our bikes the mile to school every day so far. It's been beautiful weather in the mornings, and a little hot in the afternoons, but it's been fun.

The first day I actually ran with them, but they went so slowly that I ended up walking a lot of it. Ethan especially seemed to go as slow as possible. He was really dreading starting school again. He just gets such anxiety about things, poor kid! I went in with him to see his classroom, and and to inform his teacher this was his first year in Spanish. This was something I neglected to do when Mindy started last year, and that was not a good first day for her! Ethan's teacher told me he'd just do English for the first day so that was kind of a relief. Elle and I sat in with him during the roll, and Elle didn't want to leave. She's quite jealous that Mindy and Ethan get to go to school! Ethan really didn't want me to go. He was ok while I was there, but had tears in his eyes when I waved goodbye and left. It was really hard leaving him that way. I just had to hope he would cheer up and feel better soon, and that the fruit leather I packed in his lunch would give him something to look forward to.

The first day I actually ran with them, but they went so slowly that I ended up walking a lot of it. Ethan especially seemed to go as slow as possible. He was really dreading starting school again. He just gets such anxiety about things, poor kid! I went in with him to see his classroom, and and to inform his teacher this was his first year in Spanish. This was something I neglected to do when Mindy started last year, and that was not a good first day for her! Ethan's teacher told me he'd just do English for the first day so that was kind of a relief. Elle and I sat in with him during the roll, and Elle didn't want to leave. She's quite jealous that Mindy and Ethan get to go to school! Ethan really didn't want me to go. He was ok while I was there, but had tears in his eyes when I waved goodbye and left. It was really hard leaving him that way. I just had to hope he would cheer up and feel better soon, and that the fruit leather I packed in his lunch would give him something to look forward to.
Sure enough, when I picked him up 4 hours later (it was a short day), he was smiling and his teacher said he was fine. Whew! It's always nice to get that first day of school over with!
The next day was his real first day in Spanish, and he was totally fine! This might just go better than I had planned!
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