Saturday, March 14, 2009


I just found out about this website from Chrissy Wellington's blog. It is called GoTribal and it's "An organization aimed at empowering women and promoting triathlon around the world." It seems like a really cool site, and I just wanted to put a little plug in for it. It's got a really cool quote on there from Chrissy Wellington where she says,
"Four years ago I was asked whether I would ever do an Ironman. My response? ‘No way, you must be completely mad to do something like that!’ Imagine if I had never gone back on my word, if I hadn’t changed ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’, if hadn’t dared to push myself harder, and most importantly what if I hadn’t had people to support, encourage, mentor and most of all make me believe in ME?"

Go check it out!

Also, this picture of Chrissy Wellington on the front page does show her wearing the shorts I bought, only they're pink. Mine are blue flowers. This might be why I didn't pick up on it at first.

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