This weekend Shane, Aria, and Katie drove down to Heber from Logan on Saturday and they stopped at our house on the way to pick up Elle’s old toddler bed for Aria. They were so awesome, and generous, and wonderful to trade vehicles with us and take the kids with them the rest of the way to Heber with them so Pete and I could have the night to ourselves. That was so wonderful because he had just gotten back a few hours earlier from Chicago where he’d been all week. I missed him so much so it was really fun to have a nice, relaxing date night.
We went shopping at Nordstrom Rack and got me some designer jeans (my first pair ever) and some killer heels to go with them! Now I just need somewhere to wear them….
We also did some shopping for Elle’s birthday, and got Mindy some new ballet slippers. This is her 4th pair, can you believe it!? Ballet is not cheap, which, I think, is one of the reasons I never did it.
Anyway, we also had dinner at this yummy place called Cedars of Lebanon. Oh so good!
We headed up to Heber Sunday morning and got there just in time to go to church. After church I got the cake ready, then we went visiting my grandparents where we got to see the baby deer and baby goats, then we went back to Dad’s house for the b-day party. All of my family was there (except for Heather who we missed very much! But I’m glad you got to have a nice rest this weekend.), and we had delicious burgers and fries.
I had to get the kids all cleaned up before the presents and the cake because they snuck out with their neighborhood friend to make sand castles in the garden. But then we had presents, and Elle (not to mention Mindy) was so excited she could hardly contain herself! It was very fun, and I’m glad Sabel and Garison, Shane and Aria, Katie, Dad and Angela could all be there! (Elle won’t officially be 3 until Tuesday, but don’t tell her that).

Here's the birthday girl, drinking some juice.

Here's Katie looking ravishing in her beautiful blue scarf.

Mindy eating a hamburger. Yum!

Elle opening presents

Butterfly cake.

The big moment!

Cousin Aria, painted fingernails and all! Such a little sweetie!
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