Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Walking in the Dark

Yesterday was the first day of the first week of the new year, and I started it off great! I got up at 5:30 and walked the half mile to the gym in the dark. And in 17 degrees. Brr, it was cold! 

I kind of made a little mini resolution that I will walk to the gym and the store as much as possible because I've gotten really lazy and have just been driving the half mile to the gym and the, ehem, one block to the store every time. I usually have an excuse, but I've decided to be a little less liberal with my excuses. If I can walk without too much trouble (like if I plan on getting too many groceries, or I have the kids with me and am in a hurry, I can take the car. Things like that.), then I will walk.

So yesterday I had no reason not to walk other than it being dark.  It's kind of hard, when you look outside and it's just black, to want to go out into it! But it acutally always ends up being just fine. The 2 streets that I walk on to get to the gym are both very well lit and there are a lot of houses so that makes me feel pretty safe. It's so cliche to say this, but sometimes you have to take that first step into the darkness before you're able to see. 

Behold, my rec center! I don't know what it is, but it just makes me feel good to walk there. It's like one more accomplishment for the day. Yay!

I did spin class and we had a brand new instructor from Florida named Amy who lead a really challanging class where I was able to get nice and sweaty! Oh yeah! My day was great from there on out. George seemed to be extra sweet, I got the house clean, and the kids even let me take a nap!

In the evening, I went to ballet. I have been taking the "Truly Beginning Ballet" class. I decided, since it's a new year, that I would now move up to the "Beginning Ballet" class, and it's quite a bit harder! It was a really good workout, but I didn't feel like I wanted to cry out of frustration like I did last time I took that class so I must be improving, right?!

Today I let myself sleep in, I mean I don't need to get too crazy, right?! :) I just knew that I would be able to go to the gym later and take George to the daycare, which he likes to go to, so I figured that would be ok. 

I happened to get to the gym at the same time as a friend who was taking her little girl to the daycare for the first time. I tried to get George to befriend her little girl, but he got shy. :) Anyway, I ended up getting to do my little 10 minute run - 5 minute walk with her which was really fun to get to talk to her and get to know her better. I'm so excited to have found a new gym buddy! (I hope I don't scare her off!)

After I finished running, she went and lifted weights and I went to the second half of the Zumba/Ripped class that I used to LOVE to go too. And, yep, I still love it! It was so fun and a great workout. I was actually relieved I only went to half of it. I need to work back up to the whole thing!

Later today, Goerge came up to me and said, "This has my name on it." 

Oh man, what a proud mom I was in that moment!! :) I mean, someone must have told him that or he just saw the G, which he thinks is his name, but still, it was pretty awesome!

He would not hold still for a picture so you get a cute, blurry one.

Have a great night, and remember, don't be afraid of the dark! :)

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