The day started off with Pete waking me up at 3am because he sat up to see what time it was. I guess he was too excited to sleep which has to be pretty excited for him! At the time, though, I thought it was more like 6 for some reason so I just kind of laid there waiting for the kids to wake up. Eventually, I realized how early it was and went back to sleep for a little while. They ended up getting up at about 6:30 which isn’t too bad. I think we told them 7, but we got up anyway since we couldn’t sleep any longer either.
Opening presents was fun and crazy of course. I just managed to take a few pictures:

Ethan got a book that they learned the song to last year in school so that was just perfect! He sat down right then and there and read the whole thing! We're so proud of him, he's getting really good at reading! At 3:00, all my family came over, and the excitement began again! We had a really yummy dinner, then opened more presents:

Shane, Heather, and Aria


Grandma Angela, handing out some pretty freaking awesome handmade presents for all the kids.

Katie trying to get Mindy to smile. This is the best we could get! It was such a fun day. Everyone got WAY too spoiled, especially me since Pete got me a Macbook Air! It's so beautiful and little! Plus, we got the kids a Kinect for the Xbox360 and some fun games to go with it. It's like a wii, only without controllers. You just move around to do everything. We had quite a good time playing that with everyone, along with Rockband 3 to finish out the day. Wow, what a Christmas!
Sounds like you guys had a great day!! Enjoy the rest of the holiday week.