I couldn't quite get the whole thing, it's so big, and the boxes were in the way so I couldn't back up any more! The kids have now made an awesome fort out of all the boxes!
Tuesday I had my doctor appointment, and Pete went snowboarding. I'm happy he got to go, and he said the powder was unbelievable! When he got done, I picked him up with our swimming stuff and we went to a near-by rec center that has a hot tub for him and a lap pool for me. We had to pay because my membership is up. So sad. Maybe I'll get a new one for Christmas. (hint hint). Anyway, I took it really easy, and I was glad to not be doing a serious workout because the pool was really warm! It felt nice to just swim a few laps in, though. I think I did a total of 800-1000 m or something like that. I had a few contractions, and the baby kept kicking me while I was swimming. That's just a weird feeling so I was happy to get out when Pete was done with the hot tub.
After swimming we went out to dinner and got Pho. I'd never had it before, but Pete's always talking about it. It's a Vietnamese soup with beef and rice noodles that you put thai basil and bean sprouts in. It was so good! I think I'm going to be craving that again very soon!
Yesterday we drove to Heber to pick the kids up. It was raining here, but snowing and so beautiful there! It really made me miss Heber, but Pete reminded me that that was because I'm not the one who would do the shoveling! Very true.

They were all out playing in the snow when we got there, which is good since we don't have any snow at home, and look at the awesome Dr. Seuss snowman they made:
While we were driving around they kept playing my running songs on the radio, and it just made me want to run! I'm getting so excited to be able to start training again so I started looking into a training plan for the Utah Valley Marathon. I know it's a little early, but I'm just a planner!
I think I want to do the FIRST marathon training plan. It just has you run 3 times a week, which I like because then I have time for other things (swimming, biking) that I like to do. The only problem is that it puts my first long run at 8 miles, the second week in February! That's exactly a month after the baby's due so I don't know if I'll be able to safely pull that off. Maybe it would be nice if he came a little early... (just kidding!)
I think I want to do the FIRST marathon training plan. It just has you run 3 times a week, which I like because then I have time for other things (swimming, biking) that I like to do. The only problem is that it puts my first long run at 8 miles, the second week in February! That's exactly a month after the baby's due so I don't know if I'll be able to safely pull that off. Maybe it would be nice if he came a little early... (just kidding!)
It has a handful of baby spinach, a handful of baby spring mix, a whole avocado (what? There was no one to share with, and I couldn't let it go bad! Personally, I don't think there's ever too much avocado!), chicken from a freshly roasted chicken I brought home from the store, some chopped up almonds and some craisons. I did put a little, tiny bit of poppy seed dressing on there too. It was so good! I'm planning on making it again for everyone for Christmas, and I can't wait!
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