Where to start? Where did I leave off? Oh yes, my tempo run on Tuesday. Hmm, maybe that should be my new thing, "Tempo run Tuesday"! Sounds good, doesn't it? But then what should I do tomorrow??
Can't remember. That was like 4 days ago! I must not have done anything....
I did see a truck-load of pumpkins spilled on the highway, though! It looked like something out of a Richard Scarry book... only the driver wasn't a cat, pig or raccoon farmer.
For some reason I thought Thursday morning would be a good day for the kids to ride bikes to school. I don't know why I thought this because we were already running late and I was already stressed because they kids were complaining about their pancakes (what's wrong with these kids!?), but we headed out on our bikes anyway. We didn't make it too far before Mindy and Ethan colided and Mindy crashed pretty hard. She was crying, and I knew there was no way I could get her to go on, so we went back home to get a band-aid then drive to school. They were very nice and excused her tardy since she crashed her bike, and the kids in her class were all so worried about her and asking her if she was ok. It was sweet!
After all the stresses of the morning, I was really glad that it was my day for Spin class followed by Yoga. (You know, since I do that every Thursday now.)
Spin was awesome and hard, and yoga was relaxing and hard. I felt so much better, and had a great day afterwards.
I started out planning on going to the gym, but then Pete was just going to take the car so I was going to go run real quick before he left, but then he ended up finding a ride so I ended up going to the gym as originally planned. Whew.
I ran a nice semi-slow pace for about a mile (on the indoor track), then I did a fast mile. I recovered for 4 laps (thats....not quite 400m), then did another fast mile. I recovered for another mile before picking Elle up and stretching, etc.
I had Pete's garmin on from when I thought I was going to run outside, so I got my exact split times, and here they are.
- 8:12
- 7:55
Yeah, I've done better, but the 7:55 was pretty good right?
Elle and I went to Costco after the gym, and got back just in time to pick Min and Ethan up. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon pulling weeds from behind my garden. No more mice or snails hiding in there! I wish I had before/after pictures, I felt like a machine pulling all that out. It was quite a mess. Here are the weeds I pulled out. You can kind of see the grow box and the bare ground behind it where the weeds came from. That was only 3/4 of it too! I just ended up mowing the rest.
(via Ethan)
Saturday was a busy day! I wanted to do a long run, but ended up not having time because I slept in until 10! Wow. I didn't want to stress myself out by trying to fit too much in so I just focused on making zombie outfits for me and Mindy. We had to get ready for the Thrill The World dance we were doing that evening. Thrill The World is an annual worldwide simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" for world records and charity. We had one last 2-hour practice, then performed it at 6:30 at The Gateway here in Salt Lake. It was so much fun! We had around 100 people there, and most of us dressed up like zombies.
For real, I almost laughed out loud when I read "the kids were complaining about their pancakes (what's wrong with these kids!?)"! Of COURSE they're complaining; they don't know how great they have it! Pancakes for breakfast on a weekday, psh . . . lucky suckers ;)
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