Monday, December 26, 2011

The Good Week & My Ballerinas

The next week (12-17), everyone was feeling better! It was so good to have George back to his happy, sweet little self. He sure is starting to get into things, though!

I felt brave enough to try swimming. I went to Masters on Wednesday and Friday, and both times I was the only one there so I got my own personal lesson. (Sweet!) He just had me swim with fins a lot, use the kickboard and do drills a lot. I did some swimming just normal and it really wasn't that bad on my wrist. I did 1500 yards Wednesday and 2100 Friday. Not too shabby!

I ran at the gym on Monday and did 6-400 meter intervals.

I skipped running group again on Tuesday because George fell asleep just before it was time to go and I didn't want to wake him up, but I did do a workout from Nike Training Club called "Slim Chance" that didn't require me to lift weights or put weight on my wrist.

Thursday I met Cheryl, from my running group, at the church and ran around the gym there because the air was bad and it was really cold so I didn't want to take George out in the stroller.

Saturday was super crazy because I had a quiet book swap to go to, then Mindy and Elle had their ballet performance, and we wanted to have dinner with all my family who were coming to see it beforehand. But I was able to fit a run in. I went up to the Capitol to try to get out of the inversion, but I don't know if it really helped. I ran 6 miles and it was a really good run! I was able to fit my Garmin over my wrist brace. :)

Mindy and Elle did such a good job at their performance of Marushka And The Twelve Months. Elle was a "lady of the court" and Mindy was March.

They were beautiful and I was so impressed with Mindy, it almost made me cry watching her dance so well!

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