Look at my cute family fixin' bikes (taken 9/9/2008)
As I was spending the morning working on the quilt, I started to worry that it would actually get worse and start raining or something, then I wouldn't even get to go. After we made cookies (ok, we had to make cookies! It as a stormy looking day, what else could we do?) and had lunch, I got the bike trailer hooked up and we got all ready. I put Elle's pillow and blanket in there so she was all snuggly, and she fell asleep right away, and slept until we got home.
The great thing about riding in the wind is that you get to push hard and be humbled one way, and go fast and have fun the other way. It's the best when you do the hard part first, and that's how it was today, though it wasn't really that windy. In fact, it wasn't that cold either. It looked worse than it was. I forgot to wear gloves, and my hands never even got cold. My feet were pretty cold by the end, though, but that's to be expected.
I rode hard for 50 minutes, down Warm Springs Road and back, and managed 12 miles. Let's say that's really good for riding with a bike trailer in the wind.
I had a great day today!
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