Today was another stroller day for me.
I totally would have gone to the gym to run, but guess what. Yep, my gym membership is up. I'm so sad about it. I'm tempted to just go renew it, but I hate how far away it is, especially when they're building a new big place just a few blocks from my house. I'm not sure when it's supposed to be done, but it looks like it's getting pretty close. Who knows, though, it might not be open until next year or something. I've been debating and debating about what to do. Should I join another gym that's closer, and not as nice or should I just hold off, do my running outside this winter, and wait for the new gym? It's not like that's impossible. I haven't been swimming in forever, and that's the thing I really need the gym for. I don't know.....
Anyway, I just took Elle in the stroller about 40 minutes before I had to pick the kids up from school. I ran around for about half an hour or so, taking a round-about way to the school. Then walked/ran back with the added weight of Mindy (she rode in the bike trailer this morning). It was a good workout, as always, pushing that thing. I'm sure it's good for me.
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