I made it a month and 2 days without a gym membership, and I just couldn't take it any more! I didn't get a new membership, but paid for one day plus one hour of child care for Elle. That came out to $8.50! Yikes. I can't keep that up, and I'm not going to. I just found out I can get an All County Gold membership which gets me into all the rec. centers in the Salt Lake County, along with FREE daycare! It sounds too good to be true, but that's what I'm planning on doing on Monday. Then when the new rec. center opens a block from my house, I'll be able to go there. I'm so excited to start swimming and going to spin and being able to run without rushing again!

I actually took this picture Nov. 22, but this is about what it looked like by the time I got home, maybe even a little more snow than that...
Today. I had to get out and run. It had been way too long - since Tuesday! Besides, I don't ever feel like my day is complete without a run, or some kind of workout.
It was cold, cold, cold (maybe 25-27 degrees F) so I didn't rush out the door first thing in the morning, but left at around 10:30. I only made it a few blocks before it started snowing lightly. It really didn't bother me at all, and had no effect on my running plan. After all, it was just barely snowing. I warmed up after about a mile, but I did wish I would have worn gloves because I kept needing to put my hands into my sleeves (which is fine, but gloves would have been ok too.).
I had to stop at Einstein's Bagels to use their bathroom, and I was kind of frustrated about that. I actually haven't needed to pee while running for quite a while so I was hoping I was done with that. Oh well, one time won't kill me. The bagels smelled really good to...
I ran up the hill for a few more minutes after my bathroom break. When I turned around and headed back down, the snow was starting to stick. Running down the hill in the Avenues, I got up to a 6:28 min/mile pace, and I just kept praying I wouldn't slip! It was fun to go that fast! I felt like I was flying! I kept a pretty good pace the rest of the way home, and felt really good, even to the end. Pete asked me if I could have kept that pace up for longer, and I think I could have. At least a little longer.
It was really snowing for the last few miles. Big fluffy flakes! It was so pretty! I love to watch the snowflakes come down, and I couldn't believe how happy I was to be out there in it. This is me. Someone who hates winter and hates the cold. I was thinking, "Why am I so freaking happy lately?!" (But I'm not complaining!) I just smiled at everyone I passed, and just kept on running! I felt so reckless and adventurous being out there in the snow like that, and I couldn't help but try to catch the snowflakes in my mouth as I ran. I didn't even mind too much when they'd land on my eyelashes. I'd just brush them away with the sleeve that was conveniently already over my hand.
It was a great run, I'm so glad I got to go! If I would have waited any longer, I probably wouldn't have gone with an inch of snow already on the ground.
Here are my splits (I must say, the snow sure did not slow me down, even though I was worried about slipping most of the time.):
- 8:47
- 9:45
- 10:03
- 9:13
- 8:08
- 8:34
- 8:57
Total Distance: 7 miles
Total Time: 1:03
Average Pace: 9:04 min/mi (!!!)
Guys, I really am getting faster and I can hardly even stand it, I'm so excited about it!
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