First thing in the morning I went to the store and got laundry detergent so I could get the laundry going. After I started the first load, we all headed over to the Gateway to cash in our Christmas gift cards. We were all very excited!
First off we went to the Apple Store and got me my iphone.
Isn't it beautiful? I got a white one like Pete's, but with a nice grey cover so we can tell them apart. I love it so much, and already wonder how I ever managed without one! This will make my days without a computer much nicer!
Next we went to Build-a-Bear and got Mindy and Elle the most expensive stuffed animals they've ever gotten, or will probably ever get. It was a lot of fun though, and it was interesting to see what they chose:

You're probably wondering, "Hey, wait, why didn't Ethan get one?!" No, we don't only love the girls and leave the boy with nothing. He's actually the reason any of them got to do it because he got to go to Build-a-Bear for a class field trip a few weeks ago. Awesome field trip right!? Yeah, except for for the parents of the kids with siblings.

When we got home, after lunch and some Dough Girl cookies (yum!), I got all dressed up and went out with Stacy from Three Winks Studio Photography to do a photo shoot. I'm used to being the one doing the shooting (video), but this time I was the subject! I was really nervous that I'd look like a dork, but I ended up just having a really fun time out in the snow! I'll tell you more when she gets the photos up so you can see them.
We had a fun dinner of different meats, cheeses, fruit and breads. It's kind of a traditional German dinner, or Abendbrot, and it has become our New Years Eve tradition. Pete served an LDS mission in Germany for 2 years before we met so he introduced us to this, and we love it!
Once the kids were in bed we folded 4 loads of laundry then watched Matchstick Men. It got over just in time for us to listen to the fireworks that were going off around our neighborhood. It doesn't sound that exciting, but I think it was just what we needed after such a busy couple of weeks!
On to today: (Man, this post is getting long!)
I got the rest of the laundry done today and got pretty much the whole mess from our trip to St. George cleaned up, and that included cleaning our bikes. Driving with them through a snow storm doesn't really help them look shiny and new. They're looking much better now, though, and I set my bike up on the trainer so it will be ready to go whenever I am.
Once I got all that taken care off, I skipped outside for a nice easy run. It was just supposed to be 5 miles, going my 10k goal pace of 8:30 for 2 tiny little miles. Easy right? Not quite. It was a beautiful day and I didn't even really get too cold, but I think my legs still hadn't recovered from my speed work the other day. They were still a bit sore when I left, and boy are they sore now! Here are my mile splits:
- 9:34
- 9:22
- 8:37
- 8:46
- 9:48
Total Distance: 5 miles
Total Time: 46:21
Average pace: 9:14 min/mile
SO close, but not quite 8:30 on 3 & 4! It was hard to even get those times, though, and I'm happy with the overall workout even though it was hard and my calves were starting to cramp on that last mile.

Now here's a good picture to sum up my accomplishments in 2009:
Mine and Pete's medals are both hanging there to remind us that anything is possible! Also that we're awesome, but mostly that anything is possible. I will do another Ironman, but not this year.
What are my New Years Resolutions for this year then? I thought you'd never ask:
- Pay the credit card off (I won't even tell you how much is on there, it's obscene)
- Have family home evening every Monday
- Read from the scriptures every day
- Finish the whole Bible
- Be more patient with my kids
- Give my kids more positive feedback
- Go to the temple more often
- Finish a marathon in under 4 hours
- Qualify for Age Group Nationals at BAM
Some of those I will be able to check off the list, and some of them will be on-going goals. I think it's good to have both kinds.
I hope you all have a wonderful 2010!
you're going to become an age grouper!??! yipppeeee!
ReplyDeleteAh, that's the hope! :)