So, I was sick all week with a nasty cold. From Sunday until Friday morning, I didn't do any working out. Friday I wasn't feeling 100%, but I felt bad about missing my 2 other runs for the week so I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill on Friday. I was scheduled to do a 5k, but obviously I wasn't ready to race it so I just did a nice easy 3.1 miles at around 10 min/mile pace.
Total Distance: 3.1 Miles
Total Time: about 32 minutes
It was really hard, and when I got done I kind of felt like I was going to throw up. I think that was partly from me still being a little sick, and partly from overheating in that warm gym. I walked for a while, then got a good drink and took my time stretching. I just wanted to get home and get something to eat, but Elle insisted on finishing the episode of Dora she was watching in the childcare. When we got home, I decided I deserved a Mix1. I had a lime one in the fridge that I hadn't tried yet so I had that while I had a hot bath. It was SO good! I don't know if it was just the not having sugar for 2 days talking or if it was really as delicious as it seemed. I really enjoyed it, though. I felt a little better after that. I made sure to get to bed early that night so I would feel as good as possible for my long run on Saturday.
I left on my run at about 9 and just wore a short sleeve shirt and capris. I was just a little bit cold starting out, but I was sure I would warm up. After about a mile I took a little detour to use the bathroom in a grocery store. I got over there, though, and it was closed for cleaning! Dang. I was ok, though, so I headed back to my normal route. At a little before half-way, I went off course again to use the bathroom at Einstein Bros. Bagels, and I was feeling really hot. When I went back outside, the cool air felt good. I thought I'd warm up again, but I didn't. I ended up just getting colder, especially my hands. Pete drove by with the kids on the way to pick up our food co-op stuff so that was fun to be able to wave to them.
At the 4.5 mark, I turned around and walked for about a block so I could drink my Hammer Gel and get a drink from my fuel belt without tripping. You can tell how cold it is by how thick the Hammer Gel is, and it was pretty hard to suck out of my flask. It took me the whole block, and even then I didn't get all of it. Oh well, I started running again and got to do the fun downhill part so I felt good for a while. Once I got back into the city, though, I was all in the shade, and kept having to stop at stop lights so I was getting really cold. I just couldn't wait to get home and get in a hot bath.
Pete passed me again on the way home, and this time stopped to tell me that I was waisting a lot of energy swinging my arms, but that he thought my shoes were helping because my form looked better. Nice!
The last mile before I got home was really hard. I was just feeling really tired pretty much the whole run. I'm blaming it on that dang cold. My Garmin beeped just when I got home. How perfect. Well, actually, it wasn't perfect. I was looking at it thinking, "8 miles in 1:20, that's pretty good... Wait a minute, why does that say 8?!" I seriously had to stare at my watch for a minute before I figured out that I'd gone 8 miles, not 9, because of the 2 detours I took before the turn around. While I was running, I thought the second one would cancel the first one out. But they were both before the turnaround, and I took the straight way home! I can NOT think when I'm running!
At first I just kept walking up my driveway thinking, "Well, I'm not running another mile." Then I stopped, and told myself it was just one more mile, and I needed to do it because next week is going to be 10 miles. So, I trudged out one more mile. Can you tell by my time on that last mile how dejected and tired I felt? I did it, though.
Here are my miles splits.
- 9:37
- 9:52
- 10:36
- 10:31
- 11:07
- 8:50
- 9:31
- 9:54
- 10:39
Total Distance: 9 Miles
Total Time: 1:30:44
Average Pace: 10:04 min/mile
This was a pretty slow run, but at least I got the miles in. I'm just still recovering from being sick, and it was probably good I didn't push it too hard. Right?
My dad came and picked up the kids just after lunch, then Pete and I loaded our snowboarding gear into the Jeep and headed up to Brighton for one last time out for the season. To tell the truth, I was still not feeling well on the way up, and when we first got there. Even for most of the first run I was getting depressed about how bad I was and stressed about all the kids flying past me. Then Pete asked me if I was just going to have a bad attitude, and I realized I needed to change my attitude. From that point out, we had a great time. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun. We ended up only staying about 3-4 hours because it had been really warm, and was starting to get colder so it was getting icy. Plus we were just really tired and wanted to leave while we were still feeling good. I'm starting to get the hang of steering and going edge to edge now! I'm so glad we got to go, it was a great day!
On the way to pick the kids up, we stopped in Midway at Tarahumara. It was our "cheat meal" for the week, though we'd also had white rolls at the resort...

Not too bad for a cheat meal hu?
Oh, and by the way, from a few hours before I woke up in the morning, while I did all that stuff I was just talking about, until 5am, Sonja was running. She ran a 100 mile race in Moab, and she finished as the 1st female, and 2nd overall! Wow! It was her first 100 miler too. Check out her blog, she's amazing! It was just really fun to follow her race on twitter all day, and her race report made me cry.
After a nice rest day on Sunday, I went running again today. I even woke up at 6am to go, can you believe it!? I was worried it would be another hard run, but I was feeling pretty good. I didn't realize how sore my legs were until I started running! After about a mile, I stopped and stretched a little, then ran on to get to my hills. I went up, down, up down, back up, down, up and down twice. I was supposed to do 6:00 Total Uphill Time, but that's hard to time so I just did that and hoped it would be enough. Once I got those hills finished, and I started heading home, I was feeling great and had to flip through my songs to find one fast enough! I think I'm getting to be back to normal at last! :)
- 11:16
- 10:39
- 9:31
- 9:02
- 9:14
Total Distance: 5 Miles
Total Time: 49:46
Average Speed: 6 mph
Whew, that was a lot to cover! I'll write a post about how our eating has been later.
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