Here are some pictures I took on the way to the pool: (Don't worry, it was only at stop lights!)

I had to take a picture of this car because it was so awesome! It has a lighted sign on top that says, "Ron Paul for President 2008." Along with a Ron Paul bumper sticker there on the back.

Here you can see how much snow we (or somebody) got during the night. Weird that that seems like a lot. It's been a really light year!
I couldn't find my printout of the swim workout I've been doing so I had to just go by memory today. Here's what I did:
200 kick board with flippers
200 swim
200 pull buey
200 swim
5x100 @ 1:45 (goal) on the 2:00 (I wanted to do 6, but I was having a really hard time keeping track and think I only ended up with 5. I'm not sure if those are the right times either...)
- 1:43
- 1:45
- 1:50
- 1:46
- 1:51
nice long rest
4x200 descending:
- 3:55
- 3:49
- 3:48 (whew, that was a close one!)
- 3:36 (this was hard, it was all out the whole time!)
200 pull buey
150 cool down
Total Time in Pool: about 1:10
Total Distance: 2450 meters
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